
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Welcome Miss "C"! :)

Joanne went back the middle of May and another dog from our club, Valentino, is currently down there too. I didn't get the Phase Report this week, but Valentino was in Phase 1 and Joanne was in Phase 0 the week before. That left us with only one dog in our club (Trinka) until 2 weeks ago when a little puppy arrived to our club. :)

Welcome Cadence!! :) She was born on March 16th, 2011 and her parents are Simon and Leslie. She is 3/4 lab, 1/4 golden and an adorable little thing! She is very light in color (almost white instead of yellow). I spaced on bringing my camera (I know, me of all people) so thanks to someone else for getting these pictures!

Our leader (who had Joanne) is getting a puppy sometime in July. I'm secretly hoping it will be a dog from Petal's litter. Petal was Donata's mom and both Donata AND Petal were raised by our leader. We shall see!! :)


Sydney and Partner said...

I have her sissy! Carrie is a bit darker! Her other sister is also in my group. Her name is cameo and she is also lighter but looks more like a golden.

Shelly :) said...

Do you have any pictures of Carrie and/or Cameo? :) Also, what club are you in (and state too)? If you want to email me at gdbpuppysitter (at) gmail (dot) com that would be awesome.

Thanks! :)

Cassie & The Dogs said...

We are getting a sister on Wednesday. I know the name, but I won't tell until the raiser has the pup :) I hear she is darker and looks labbie.

Shelly :) said...

Cadence looks very "labbie" also. Joanne was the same mix and you would never know she had golden in her but looking at her. Can't wait to hear the name! :)

Brenda said...

Hey Ladies, glad I found the "C" raisers!! I am Leslie's puppy raiser and breeder keeper. We live in Walnut Creek, CA and this was Leslie's first litter. I have a slew of photos of Leslie and her puppies while they were in the GDB kennels. I'd be happy to email some of them to you if you send me an email: Leslie is the 6th puppy we raised and the sweetest, most confident dog we've had (but she's also pretty lazy :)... her favorite activity is sleeping on my feet). I know her puppies will be superstars! We have Cavalia in our club. You can see her here: We hope to see you all at San Rafael Fun Day - Leslie and I will be there!