
Friday, July 23, 2010

Loyola Graduated (Again) :)

This post is over a month old but better late than never right? :) The first puppy I helped raised graduated again on the 19th of June. I was unable to make it down to her graduation which was in California instead of Oregon (all of our dogs go to the Oregon campus).

This was her second time graduating as her first partner was unable to care for Loyola after falling and having hip replacement surgery. :( The young girl who raised her and her mom were able to attend Loyola's graduation in California. She was placed with a 30 year old man who is going to college in the fall. He lost his vision when he was 6 years old after a brain tumor grew behind his eyes. During the surgery to remove the tumors, he lost both his vision and part of his hearing. He LOVES Loyola and calls her his sweet little girl. :) I am so proud of all she has accomplished in her short 2-1/2 years.

I only have a few pictures that they were able to take of her:

I don't know what it about the first puppy you help raise, but she will always hold a special place in my heart. :)


Lauren said...

Congratulations! She is such a pretty girl and looks so grown up in her harness.

You were wondering about the different surfaces they had at the Jelly Belly event. There was a rubber mat (I think it was one of those mats for the floor of cars), a carpet, bubble wrap, green plastic fencing, a camping matress (one of those ones that blows and you can roll it up), and some sort of synthetic hay material. What also works well is a cookie cooling sheet with the metal grates. That'd be a great activity for a club meeting!

Lauren said...

forgot to tell you that the Jelly Belly factory is about a 50 min. drive from Guide Dogs. The tour is great- but make sure you go on a weekday because the factory isn't working on weekends (you can still take the tour, but you won't get to see the Jelly Belly's being made on the factory floor). Or, you can make a reservation for the factory floor tour (which sounds really cool!)